Woorndoo/Mortlake Matches all cancelled this weekend

18 May 2022 by Tatyoon FNC

Hi Everyone,
Unfortunately Woorndoo/Mortlake has decided to forfeit all games this weekend. They have many cases of the dreaded virus, throughout both players and volunteers and are unable to field most of their teams.

Fortunately our U16.5 Footballers are scheduled to play against Great Western, at Great Western, so this game WILL STILL TAKE PLACE at Great Western!

Training tomorrow night will still occur as per a normal thursday night, at coaches’ discretion – coaches please let your team know if you decide to cancel. Dinner will still take place in the hall after training.

So just to confirm – NO MATCHES at Taty this weekend. Consequently there will not be a social event in the hall on Saturday night either.

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